How-to: Create a New Class

Creating a new class from your Teacher Account is simple!

1. Log in to your Prodigy Teacher Account.  If you need help with this, more information can be found in this article.

2. Select Manage Classes, with the gear icon, at the bottom left of your screen:

Manage Classes Menu.png

3. Select the Create a new class button:

Manage Classes Create a New Class.png

4. You'll have the option to import one or more classes using Google or Clever, or start from scratch with a Prodigy Classroom.  If you're importing your class through Google or Clever, select the appropriate button.  Otherwise, enter a name and select a grade for your class and select Create Class:

Create Class (No Annotation).png

5. If you're importing your class(es) through Google or Clever: Follow the on-screen prompts.

If a student already has a Prodigy account associated with their Google or Clever credentials, their existing Prodigy account will be imported into your class.  If a student does not yet have a Prodigy account associated with their Google or Clever credentials, a new account will be created for them.

If you created your classroom from scratch: Students have two ways of joining your classroom.

  • Option 1: You can create new accounts for your students by selecting the Create new accounts button. You'll be asked to enter a list of student first names and last initials, which will be used to create your students' accounts
  • Option 2: You will be provided with a Class Code.  Students who have pre-existing Prodigy accounts, or who have created their accounts on their own, can join your class by inputting your unique Class Code when they next log in
    Remember: Though the "New Teacher?" Class Code prompt appears to students during each login, students only need to input your Class Code once. Students are not required to input your Class Code each time they log into Prodigy.

6. Once your classroom(s) are imported or have been created, they will appear on your Manage classes page. Now you're ready to let students work through our automatic Placement Test, or set up an Assignment for your students!

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