Class Challenges

Our Class Challenges feature allows teachers and their classrooms to compete with others to answer the most questions correctly over a two-week period. This feature allows you to reward your students' efforts with printable certificates while encouraging a bit of healthy competition to motivate your students!

Teachers will see the Class Challenge option visible from the Math Dashboard for each of their classrooms, as pictured below:

How Class Challenges Work: 

Every two weeks, your classrooms will be grouped with approximately 9 others who are on the same curriculum as yours, and whose class has answered a similar number of questions within the last two weeks. 

Questions answered at home or at school will count towards your classroom's progress!

Please Note:

If your class hasn’t answered any questions within the last 2 weeks, you’ll simply need to have a student within your classroom answer one question to be included in the next challenge period!

During the two-week challenge period, you and your student's goal is to answer the most questions correctly while playing Prodigy Math. You can return to the Class Challenge leaderboard on your Dashboard at any time to check in on your progress.

The Class Challenge tab will show your classroom's current score along with the number of questions required to reach 1st place and to move up one place on the leaderboard.


Your students can view the classes' progress from the Awards menu in-game:

image (83).png

How Your Classroom will be Rewarded:

At the end of each challenge period, you’ll be able to print a certificate to commemorate your classroom’s achievement! Please keep in mind that certificates will only be printable for the most recently ended challenge period.


Certificates will also be available for individual students at the end of the challenge period. 


Looking for banners for your students to color? Find them here!

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