Reports: Placement Test

Within the Placement Test report, you can view a summary of where your students are at in the Placement Test.

You can view the report in either Summary or Detailed Breakdown view, depending on how much information you are looking for.


The report will also let you know how the students are doing based on symbols beside their name.  They are broken down as follows:

  • Red circles - Well below grade level (Two grade levels below)
  • Yellow circles - Below grade level (One grade level below)
  • Green circles - At, or above, current grade level

Strands/domains are listed on the left side and are based on your chosen curriculum.  Keep in mind, not all strands are included in each grade, so some results may be empty.


The "Detailed Breakdown" tab at the top left allows you to view specific questions answered by each of your students. 


To view a student's results, simply select their name from the dropdown. After selecting a student,  you'll be presented with a breakdown of how they progressed/are progressing through the Placement Test.

Use this valuable information to identify where an individual student is excelling or struggling so that you can customize the content in-game for them through Assignments!

Make the most of your Placement Test reports today!

Looking for more information on how the Placement Test works?

Check out our article here!

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