Reports: Student Activity

The student activity report is designed to give you an overview of all the content that a student has encountered in the game and their performance when interacting with it.

To start with, select the student whose report you'd like to view and the date range from the drop-down menus at the top of the page.

When you're done, the page will update.

Student Activity Report.png

From within the report, view the complete list of material the student has interacted with, sorted by topic or strand alphabetically. Clicking on the Grade > Strand > Skill will expand the tree.

Within each topic or strand, see: 

  • The grade
  • The skill name
  • The total time the student spent answering questions from that skill
  • The total number of questions encountered
  • The overall percentage of those questions answered correctly

Click here to get started with your Student Activity report today!

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