Getting Started with Prodigy Math - Parent FAQ

Prodigy Math is a fun, curriculum-aligned, adaptive, online game-based learning platform. Prodigy makes our curriculum-aligned educational content available to everyone, so we can continue to strive towards our goal of helping every student in the world love learning!

Featuring over 50,000 math questions spanning Grades 1 - 8, players will get to watch their very own wizard grow stronger, learn new spells and acquire new equipment while facing ever more powerful opponents, all by answering math questions!

Free To Use

Premium Memberships are not required to access the in-game curriculum-aligned math and English content and the vast majority of our users make use of the platform at no cost!

Curriculum Aligned

Prodigy's questions align themselves directly to many different curricula so you can ensure your students are getting content that matches what you're teaching in class.

By aligned, we mean we arrange all available content by grade level and expectation (or standard) in keeping with the way it’s arranged in your curriculum. Plus, we're adding new content all the time!

Learn more about the curricula we align with here: Curriculum Alignment


Prodigy makes use of a proprietary algorithm in order to automatically deliver appropriate material for students. When a student begins playing Prodigy Math, they’re automatically put through a Placement Test to determine the appropriate starting grade.

Afterwards, we're constantly examining their progress through our curriculum tree to determine the next skill they should receive. If they're doing well on a topic, we'll move them to the next one in the grade. If they're struggling with a skill we'll pull them back to a prerequisite to get some practice before giving them another shot.

View our supported platforms guide for more details!

RPG style video game

RPG stands for "Role-Playing Game", and in Prodigy Math your child will take on the role of a young wizard in the immersive Prodigy world. When your child begins to play, they'll start by creating a character that represents them in the Prodigy world. Their character has their own name, appearance, items and skills which they'll develop as they progress!

Getting Started

Now that you have an understanding of what Prodigy Math is, create and log in to a free Prodigy Parent Account! 

How-to: Create a Parent Account




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