Parent Dashboard

The Parent Dashboard is where you'll find exciting and powerful features to help you motivate and support your child's learning journey with ease!

A Parent Account is required to access the Parent Dashboard - if you don't have an account, reference the article below for assistance.

How To Create A Parent Account

You'll also need to have at least one child account linked to your own in order to access the dashboard! The article linked below provides detailed instructions on linking a child's account.

How to Link a Child's Account to a Parent Account

Dashboard Overview 

Please Note:

There are separate views for Prodigy Math and Prodigy English Dashboards. Feature availability varies between subjects.


If you only have one child linked to your Parent Account, you'll be taken to your Dashboard after logging in.

If you have multiple children linked to your account select View Progress from your My children page for the child whose progress you'd like to view.


Recent Activity

An overview of the skills your child has been working on. You'll be able to reference what skill your child was working on, the strand that skill belongs to, as well as the number of questions they answered correctly. 

You can click View more to view previous weeks' activity.


Grade Level

This area will show if your child is working at a specific grade level, or still working through the Placement Test to determine grade level.  


Weekly questions answered

This widget visualizes the number of questions your child has answered each week. You can cycle between weeks by clicking on the arrows located underneath the chart.



Each day is broken into two categories:

  • School - Any questions answered from 8 AM - 4 PM will be considered answered in school - even if your child selects Home when logging in!
  • Home - Any questions answered outside the time above and when Home is selected track here

Curriculum Progress

This displays the percentage of content completed in each grade, with each skill mastered in-game increasing this percentage.

Please Note:

Answering more questions does not necessarily mean Curriculum Progress will increase.

Mastery is considered reached when seven questions from a specific skill are answered correctly, in a row. 

For more information, reference the support article linked here.


Report Card

This tab displays your child's monthly report card. Even if you've opted to receive them via email, you can always reference this page

Manage Child

Accessible by clicking on your name in the top-right corner of your Dashboard, this area is where you can manage/retrieve your child's account information - including their username and password.


We recommend you review your Parent Dashboard regularly to get a sense of how your child is doing, to see where they might need a bit of help, and when to celebrate their success!

Premium Membership Perks

Your child isn't the only one who will benefit from a Membership!

Check out the great perks you'll have access to as a Member in this article.


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