Pet Types

Below is a complete list of pets sorted by their types. In these lists, we will share their strengths, weaknesses, and also shows what they can evolve into.

Plant Pets

PlantElement.pngPlant pets are powerful against WaterElement.pngWater pets

PlantElement.pngPlant pets are weak against FireElement.pngFire pets


Name Evolution


Bashbot Batterbot
Batterbot -
Bitbot Bashbot
Budbeak Pompalm
Claustro -
ClipClop -
Dreamlet -
Fissural Sentinel
Flyger -
Forest Caller Forest Creator
Forest Creator -
Forest Neek Forest Caller
Ivory Truckle -
Muckster -
Mystile -
Peeko Rack-rack
Pokkit Claustro
Pompalm -
Pomprikle Spindle
Rack-rack Flyger
Saplette Arboreal
Scally Fissural
Sentinel -
Shade Spectral
Spectral -
Spindle -
Sprike -
Sproot Budbeak
TripTrop ClipClop
Truckle -
Vinequeen -
Fire Pets

FireElement.pngFire pets are powerful against PlantElement.pngPlant pets

FireElement.pngFire pets are powerful against IceElement.pngIce pets 

FireElement.pngFire pets are weak against WaterElement.pngWater pets


Name Evolution


Aracute Arachex
Ashlet Smoldash
Burnewt Singenewt
Charfoal Inferneigh
Dragic Dragling
Dragling Tarragon
Embershed -
Emburn Liosen
Flame Caller Flame Creator
Flame Creator -
Flame Neek Flame  Caller 
Flameger -
Flaria -
Hotpot -
Inferneigh Pyromane
Infernewt -
Liosen -
Mystember -
Puck Flaria
Pyromane -
Serrazig -
Singenewt Infernewt
Smoldash -
Sprite Serrazig
Tarragon -
Terromite Terrosaur
Terrosaur -
Tinyger Tyscout
Tyscout -
Ice Pets

IceElement.pngIce pets are powerful against StormElement.png Storm pets 

IceElement.pngIce pets are weak against FireElement.png Fire pets 

Name Evolution


Battabash -
Battaram Battabash
Flurrious -
Frostfang -
Frostjaw -
Hail-Tail Frostjaw
Ice Neek Ice Caller
Ice Caller Ice Creator
Ice Creator -
Ivory TripTrop -
Keeper -
Rascal Shardic
Shardic Keeper
Snowfluff Hail-Tail
Squally Tempest
Tempest Flurrious
Storm Pets

StormElement.pngStorm pets are powerful against WaterElement.pngWater pets 

StormElement.pngStorm pets are weak against IceElement.pngIce pets 


Name Evolution


Arbite -
Browl Acromi
Cloaker Arbite
Cloud Caller Cloud Creator
Cloud Gobbler -
Cloud Neek Cloud Caller
Cloud Nibbler Cloud Gobbler
Cogmite Gearsite
Evolotus -
Gearsite -
Gloricious -
Highfawn -
Hob Wick
Luminex -
Luminite Lumiot
Lumiot Luminex
Mystyyk -
Nebluff -
Nebulite -
Prodraxis -
Pterrocks -
Pterrotell Pterrocks
Snoots Highfawn
Solarasis -
Solarix Solarasis
Soral Solarix
Squawks Tribeak
Tribeak -
Vamplifier -
Wick Nebulite
Woot ZipZap
Zipzap Vamplifier
Water Pets

WaterElement.pngWater pets are powerful against FireElement.pngFire pets 

WaterElement.pngWater pets are weak against StormElement.pngStorm pets

WaterElement.pngWater pets are weak against  PlantElement.pngEarth pets    


Name Evolution




Aquaster -
Aureate -
Beneel Fathom
Celesteate Aureate
Creela Celesteate
Crookfang -
Cuddlefin Aquamarina
Fathom -
Fishbol Aquariot
Flikflit Serrazag
Funkeel Beneel
Gnawdy Crookfang
Mermina Cuddlefin
Mimic -
River Caller River Creator
River Creator -
River Neek River Caller
Serrazag -
Squabble Squarrel
Squarrel -
Squibble Squabble
Stampeed -
Trampel Stampeed

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