FAQ: Buddies and the Pet Store

What are buddies?
Buddies are small pets that follow your player character around in-game. Buddies do not affect combat in any way. Buddies can be viewed and summoned through the backpack.  

Where can I get buddies?

Some buddies are available for you to purchase at the Pet Store in Lamplight Town. Members have access to an even wider selection! 

Unique buddies are also available during our seasonal events from the event vendors.

 More buddies are always being added, so be sure to keep checking back!

Where are my buddies once I've bought them?
You can find your buddies in your backpack after you have purchased them.

How do I equip my buddy so they follow me around? (Note only one buddy can be equipped at a time)?
When finding your buddies in your backpack after you have purchased them, you can right-click on them to either show/hide them.

What types of buddies are available?
Currently, there are five categories of pets at the pet store: cats, dogs, birds, reptiles, and hamsters.



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