Wizard Watch

Wizard Watch is the perfect place for Prodigy wizards to share their accomplishments as well as liking ones attained by their friends. Wizards can also keep up to date on any new and exciting updates to the world of Prodigy here as well!

To access Wizard Watch, click the button on your Social Bar, pictured below.


Wizard Watch shows players' and their friends' activities in a list. The player can filter the type of activities that they see by clicking on the tabs. Players can interact with other players by clicking on the 'share' and 'like' buttons.

This feature tracks a player's activities by entering every event into a feed and notifying the player and their friends through notifications.

These are the types of events that this feature will track:

  • Obtaining a piece of gear, house item or buddy or other items
  • Ranking up in an Achievement



The Social Feed has 3 tabs in this order from top to bottom:

  1. All: Shows all activity from the 'Me' and 'Friends' tabs (Max 40 events shown)
  2. Me: Shows only your activity. This includes all events pertaining to the player, both shared and not shared events. (Max 20 events shown)
  3. Friends: Shows activity only from friends and classmates (Max 20 events shown)


Action Buttons

The player can interact with their social feed by liking and sharing:

  • LikingPlayers can only 'like' their friend's activitiesThe 'like' button is visualized as a 'thumbs up' icon 


  • SharingPlayers can only 'share' their own activities. Once the player shares their own activity, the share button turns into a pressed 'like' button that tallies up the number of times their friends have responded with a 'like'.


  • Check It Out:  Would you like the same gear as your friend?  We can help with that!! This button will allow you to teleport your wizard to the location where your friend got their gear.  Whether it be a vendor or the Wheel of Wonder, we'll send you there right away to pick up your new item!



Wizard Watch Timeline
Now, you can have a rough idea of when certain achievements happened.  All you need to do is look back to your social feed, and they'll be separated for you.

What's going on today
This feed will show what has happened today starting as of 6:00am local time.


What you missed last night
This feel will show you what had happened between 3:00pm yesterday and 5:59am local time this morning.


What happened a while ago
This feed will show everything that has happened, previous to 3:00pm yesterday.



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