How to Use Your House

Every wizard needs a place to go home to at the end of a long day of battling monsters and catching pets! 

With dozens of items to decorate them with, your wizard will be resting comfortably in no time. Once you have your house full of the items you've worked hard for...invite your friends over to show them off!

How do I get started?

To get to your house:

Open your map and select your house icon from the bottom-left corner.


Once there, click the pencil icon to open the "Design-A-House" menu and start adding items to your house:


Adding & Removing Items

Once you're in the Design-A-House menu, you can select one of the item categories to see specific furniture, decorative items, windows and more! The items you already own for each category will be displayed in the menu at the bottom of the screen.

To remove an item already placed in your house, click and drag it to the box in the bottom right to return it to your inventory. 

To place an item, simply click and drag the item from your inventory to place it in your house! 

Once the item is in your house, you can move it by clicking and dragging. You can also rotate your item by double-clicking on it! If another piece of furniture is in the way, your item won't turn. 

Invite Friends To Your House

You can allow visitors to your house by clicking on the lock icon in the far right of your toolbar.


Once you enable this, you will receive a notification pop-up stating: "Wizards can visit your house now!". When locking it, a pop-up is displayed, saying: "Wizards can no longer visit your house."

Please Note: It can take 15-20 minutes for the lock to take effect. If your house was previously unlocked, and you lock it to visitors, they may still be able to enter for this period of time.

When a wizard's home is available for visiting, other wizards can visit their home by clicking on the respective player, and selecting the "Visit House" button in the player card.

Purchasing New Houses

If you want to purchase a new house, select the buy house icon from the bottom right of the page: 


From the menu that appears, you'll be able to toggle through different categories of houses. Click on one of the houses available in the panel below and you'll be given the option to visit that house before purchasing it or to buy it straight away. 


When visiting a house, click on your local house mouse to decide whether to buy the house or keep looking. 

Save your pennies wizards and you'll have a fabulous looking house to show off to your friends in no time!

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