How-to: Change Your Child's Password

Changing your child's password is easy and can be done right from their Student Account!  Looking to retrieve your child's existing credentials instead? Follow the steps in this article.


Here's how your or your child can change their password:

1. Go to to access the game login portal directly.

2. If your child's username has been saved as a "Recent Login", select their username, then enter your child's existing password. If your child's username isn't saved as a "Recent Login", enter their username and password, then select the "Log In" button: 

Student Login Page.png

3. Select "Home" or "School" - password changes are available in either mode!

Home School Selection.png

4. Select Prodigy Math:

Math Selection.png

4. On the "New Teacher" prompt screen, select the "Next" button, in the bottom right, to make your way into Prodigy Math.  You must then select a world to enter, or select "Play Offline".

5. Once in the game, you may need to complete or close any pop-ups (such as Wizard Watch notifications or the Daily Reward screen) until you are able to see the menu bar along the bottom of the screen. On the menu bar, select the Gear icon to access the Settings page:

Student Gear Icon.png

6. Within the Settings page Account tab, look for the Info box. There, you'll see a link to "Change Your Password":

Student Change Password Link.png

7. Select the "Change Your Password" link to navigate to the Change Password screen. You'll be prompted to leave the game, and the New Password screen will open:

Enter New Student Password.png

8. Type your child's existing password in the Current Password field, then type a new password in the New password field. Select the "Set password" button to save your changes.

9. That's it! Your child's password has been updated, and they should use their new password to log into Prodigy going forward.

Looking to save a few steps?

If your child is logged into Prodigy already, you can navigate directly to the Change Password screen by clicking here. Be sure the correct username is displayed on-screen to ensure you're changing the password for the right account!

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