Changing Account Settings

Here's how to access the Account Settings page, from which you can:

  • Change the name associated with your account
  • Change your account password
  • Link your account to your school
  • View your register account email address
  • View (and submit a request to modify) your assigned curriculum


1. Select your name, or the person icon, on the lower-left portion of the page, then select Account to access Account Settings:

Teacher Access Account Settings.png

2. Under the General widget, you can view the email address and change the name associated with your account

3. You can change your password in the Change Password widget

4. Under the Location widget, you can view your assigned curriculum, request a curriculum change, or update your school

5. Under the School widget, you can link to your school within our database by typing in the name of your school within that search bar. A list of schools matching your school name and state should appear that you can then select from!
Be sure to double check the city of the school you link to as many schools share similar names! If you cannot locate your school in a list, try entering a different version of the way it may be spelt (St. vs Saint). If you still cannot locate your school, please reach out to our support team to have your school added!

Don't forget to click "Save" or "Change" to retain the changes you've made!

Account Settings Page.png

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