Sign in with Google with an existing Prodigy Teacher Account

If you have an existing Teacher Account, you can connect it with your Google account so that you can sign in with Google.

Follow the steps below to proceed!

1. Go to and click on Log In:

Log Into Prodigy.png

2. Select Google:

Teacher Google Login.png

If you are not signed in to a Google account on this browser, you’ll be prompted to do.  Enter your Google email address and click "Next", then enter your Google password and click "Next" to proceed.

If you sign into (or are already signed into) a Google account on this browser with multiple email addresses associated with it, you will be asked to choose which email address you’d like to link to your Prodigy account.

3. Click on "I have a Prodigy account", then select Next:


4.Enter the email address and password you normally use to sign in to your Teacher Account.

You're all set! Now, your Teacher Account is linked to your Google Account and you can log into Prodigy using your email address, or by signing in with Google going forward.

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