Keeping Prodigy Fair and Safe

We want Prodigy to be a fun and fair game for everyone and one that helps students around the world love learning. Cheating and/or exploiting is unfair to other Prodigy players and ruins the experience for everyone.

Cheating is a violation of Prodigy's Terms of Use and could lead to either a temporary ban or deletion of the account and/or other action.

Sometimes, cheats or “hacks” that are posted on popular sites or social media are scams to try to get you to download malware or viruses that can be used to steal personal information stored on your computer. They can also do permanent damage to your Prodigy account.  

Never enter your login information on other websites. Prodigy employees will never ask you for your password.

If you see other people cheating, exploiting, attempting to exploit, sharing cheats, or asking for passwords or personal information, please report this matter to Customer Support

By reporting you will allow Prodigy to remove the content and moderate the accounts for these rule violations to ensure the safety and fairness of the game for everyone.

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