How do my students log in to Prodigy?

Logging your student on to Prodigy is easy! 

Here are the steps:

  • Navigate to Prodigy.
  • Select the Game button at the top, then the  Play Now button in the upper right-hand portion of your browser window.

Student Login.png


Navigate to Bookmark or Favorite this page in your browser so it's easy to return to Prodigy again later!


1. If your student has saved their username on this device before, select their username, then enter their password before selecting the Log in button on the next page. If saved usernames are displayed but you'd like to log into a different account, select Log in here where you're asked if you have a different username.

Student Login Different Username.png

2. If your student uses a Single Sign-On service (like Google, Clever or ClassLink), click the appropriate button to log into their account. Please note: Google, Clever and ClassLink SSO options are only supported via Prodigy's website and are not supported in the Prodigy Game mobile app. If your student logs in using an SSO, Prodigy's website and games are accessible on mobile devices through a web browser.

If your student logs in using a Prodigy username and password, enter their username and password and select the Log in button.

3. Your student's now logged into Prodigy! Have them select the game they'd like to play!



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