How-to: Add a new Student Account to your class

Need to add a new student to your class? The method you used to create your class determines how you should add new students to your Prodigy class. Choose the appropriate drop-down below!

My Class was Imported from Google

My Student Needs a New Prodigy Account

1. Ensure your students have been set up with their Google account and are added to your class within Google Classroom.

2. Log in to your Prodigy Teacher Account.  If you need help with this, more information can be found in this article.

3. If you have more than one active class, select the class you'd like to add a student to by using the class drop-down menu in the upper right corner of your page.

4. Near the upper left corner of your Dashboard, you'll see an alpha-numeric code. Note this Class Code and provide it to the students to be added to your class:

Teacher Class Code.png

5. Have your student(s) navigate to Prodigy and select the Sign up button. Then, select the Google button:

Student Sign Up Button.png

Student Sign Up with Google.png

6. Have your student follow the on-screen Google prompts to finish creating their account.

7. Once logged in, students will need to enter your Class Code to join your class.  Students can select either Math or English to do so.

Upon entering the Math Game, students will be shown a "New Teacher?" prompt. Selecting Update on this prompt will allow students to type in your Class Code. They should then click or tap Next to join your class:

New Teacher Prompt.png

Upon entering the English Game, students can select the Menu button, then the Account Settings gear button, in the lower right of their screen. On their Account Settings page, students can select the Join Class button, then type in your Class Code. When they're done, they should select the Join button.

English Game Settings.png

8. Your new students have been added to your class!  Going forward, they should select Google to log into Prodigy. 

My Student Already Has a Prodigy Account

1. Check if your new students currently log into Prodigy using Google.  If they do, proceed to Step 3.

2. If your new students currently use a Prodigy username and password to log into their accounts, have your students link their Prodigy accounts to their Google accounts by following the steps here, then proceed to Step 3.

3. Log in to your Prodigy Teacher Account.  If you need help with this, more information can be found in this article.

4. If you have more than one active class, select the class you'd like to add a student to by using the class drop-down menu in the upper right corner of your page.

5. Near the upper left corner of your Dashboard, you'll see an alpha-numeric code. Note this Class Code and provide it to the students to be added to your class:

Teacher Class Code.png

6. Have your student(s) navigate to Prodigy and select the Sign up button. Then, select the Google button:

Student Sign Up Button.png

Student Sign Up with Google.png

7. Have your student follow the on-screen Google prompts to finish creating their account.

8. Once logged in, students will need to enter your Class Code to join your class.  Students can select either Math or English to do so.

Upon entering the Math Game, students will be shown a "New Teacher?" prompt. Selecting Update on this prompt will allow students to type in your Class Code. They should then click or tap Next to join your class:

New Teacher Prompt.png

Upon entering the English Game, students can select the Menu button, then the Account Settings gear button, in the lower right of their screen. On their Account Settings page, students can select the Join Class button, then type in your Class Code. When they're done, they should select the Join button.

English Game Settings.png

9. Your new students have been added to your class!  Going forward, they should select Google to log into Prodigy. 

My Class was Imported from Clever

My Student Needs a New Prodigy Account

1. Ensure your students have been set up with their Clever account and are added to your class within Clever.

2. Log in to your Prodigy Teacher Account.  If you need help with this, more information can be found in this article.

3. Select Manage Classes, with the gear icon, at the bottom left of your screen:

Manage Classes Menu.png

4. Select the Create a new class button:

Manage Classes Create a New Class.png

5. Select the Import from Clever button in the left-hand column to start the process to sync your Clever classrooms and students:

Create Class Import from Clever.png

6. View a list of your Clever classrooms and select which ones you would like to update. When you’re finished, click Confirm:


7. You'll be asked to confirm your selections. Then select Sync x Classrooms:


8. Your new students have been added to your class!  Going forward, they should select Clever to log into Prodigy.

My Student Already has a Prodigy Account

1. Check if your new students currently log into Prodigy using Clever.  If they do, proceed to Step 3.

2. If your new students currently use a Prodigy username and password to log into their accounts, have your students link their Prodigy accounts to their Clever accounts by following the steps here, then proceed to Step 3.

3. Log in to your Prodigy Teacher Account.  If you need help with this, more information can be found in this article.

4. Select Manage Classes, with the gear icon, at the bottom left of your screen:

Manage Classes Menu.png

5. Select the Create a new class button:

Manage Classes Create a New Class.png

6. Select the Import from Clever button in the left-hand column to start the process to sync your Clever classrooms and students:

Create Class Import from Clever.png

7. View a list of your Clever classrooms and select which ones you would like to update. When you’re finished, click Confirm:


8. You'll be asked to confirm your selections. Then select Sync x Classrooms:


9. Your new students have been added to your class!  Going forward, they should select Clever to log into Prodigy. 

My Class was Created from Scratch

My Student Needs a New Prodigy Account

1. Log in to your Prodigy Teacher Account.  If you need help with this, more information can be found in this article.

2. Select Manage Classes, with the gear icon, at the bottom left of your screen:

Manage Classes Menu.png

3. Locate the classroom your new student should be added to. If you have more than one active class, scroll down to view additional classes.

4. Select the Add students button:

Manage Classes Add Students.png

5. Select the Create new accounts button:

Add Students Create New Accounts.png

6. Enter the names of your student(s), being careful to format them as specified. Then, select Continue to review:

Create New Accounts Names.png

7. You'll have the option to review your list of names before creating new accounts. Check that names are formatted correctly, delete any unnecessary names, or press Back to update your list. When you're finished, select Create student accounts.

8. Your new students have been added to your class! Select the View login details button to retrieve your new students' usernames and passwords so they can jump into Prodigy!

My Student Already has a Prodigy Account

1. Log in to your Prodigy Teacher Account.  If you need help with this, more information can be found in this article.

2. If you have more than one active class, select the class you'd like to add a student to by using the class drop-down menu in the upper right corner of your page.

3. Near the upper left corner of your Dashboard, you'll see an alpha-numeric code. Note this Class Code and provide it to the students to be added to your class:

Teacher Class Code.png

4. Next, have your student(s) log into Prodigy using their username and password. Students can select either Math or English.

Upon entering the Math Game, students will be shown a "New Teacher?" prompt. Selecting Update on this prompt will allow students to type in your Class Code. They should then click or tap Next to join your class:

New Teacher Prompt.png

Upon entering the English Game, students can select the Menu button, then the Account Settings gear button, in the lower right of their screen. On their Account Settings page, students can select the Join Class button, then type in your Class Code. When they're done, they should select the Join button.

English Game Settings.png

5. Your new students have been added to your class!

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