There are a few reasons why students may not receiving your assigned questions.
Students will stop working on an assignment under the circumstances listed below. Please click each reason for a more detailed explanation.
You can view and change your assignment start/end date from your Assessments tab.
To edit your start and end dates:
- Select your assignment as it appears in your list view and select Edit
- Under "Date Range" select Edit
- Select your new start and end dates and click Save
View how many assignment questions students have answered by locating the assignment on either your Assignments list and selecting View report.
Students must be a part of the assignment in order to receive the questions from that assignment.
To view which students were included in the assignment and to include or remove an account:
- Click on the assignment as it appears in your list and select Edit.
- Proceed until you see your students' names, and ensure the desired students have a check next to their check box
- Proceed to select Save
Your student might be using an alternate account that you have not provided the assignment to. The best way to check this is to ask them which username they are using currently, and direct them to start using the account you've created instead so that you can ensure they receive your assignments moving forward.
If you'd like to include the account that they're currently using instead, please follow the instructions included in step 3 of this article.
If you've investigated these scenarios and none apply, then please contact us through the Submit a request button at the top of this page!