Accepted Forms of Payment

The following forms of payment are accepted for membership purchases made through Prodigy:

  • American Express®
  • MasterCard®
  • Visa®

All payments will be billed in USD unless you are located in Canada, in which case the membership fees will be converted to CAD  on your credit card statement.

Please Note: 

Partial/split payments cannot be made/accepted at this time.

Payment FAQs

Reasons for Failed Payments

There are a few reasons why your card might have been rejected. For your protection, card issuers do not provide us with a great deal of information as to why they do this on a case-to-case basis. Here are some common reasons why this happens:

1. International Payment restriction

We are a Canadian-based company, if you are based outside of Canada, your card provider may have a block on international payments.

Typically, you can resolve this by calling the number on the back of the card and asking for a temporary lift of this ban so you can make the purchase.  This applies to both post-paid, and pre-paid credit cards.

2. Inadequate funds on the card

While this is infrequently the case, at times, the limit on the card might have been reached and without room for it, the purchase cannot be made.

3. Expired/Disabled card 

When a card is expired or if it has been reported as stolen or defrauded then the purchase will not be possible.

A call to your card provider should help to determine the cause and the pertinent next steps as it pertains to the replacement of your card.

These are the most common reasons for a rejected payment. If any of these seem to fit, we recommend calling your card provider to seek assistance from them.

Pre-paid Credit Card Options

Yes, pre-paid variants of the 3 card types listed above are accepted.

A few things to note about using pre-paid credit cards: 

1. Please ensure they are enabled to make online purchases.

2. Please ensure that are enabled to be used for international purchases.

3. Please ensure that the entire cost of the membership can be purchased using a single card. Split payments across two or more pre-paid cards are not possible.

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